Book Release Today!

“The Kingdom of Heaven”, a Christian sci-fi/dystopia, releases today on Amazon and Barnes & Noble! Alex is a restless new agent who’s spent her life being dragged down the path of least resistance and failing her way to the top. When she’s assigned a new job with Dynamic National Technologies, Incorporated, she’s promised an action-packedContinue reading “Book Release Today!”

Book Update!

Thanks everyone who’s followed this blog! My book’s preorder campaign is continuing to progress, now at 9% of the total goal. That means I still need 678 people to pre-order the book in order for it to go to print.Meanwhile, I have a cool new cover design – self-illustrated, of course! “There was only oneContinue reading “Book Update!”

New Book: The Kingdom of Heaven

Hello blog followers! I’m pleased to announce my newest project, a book that I wrote over the last year titled “The Kingdom of Heaven”. It’s a book based on dystopian concepts that I’ve had in mind for years, but with a new tonal shift. Years ago I imagined a world where all of humanity hadContinue reading “New Book: The Kingdom of Heaven”

DIY Faraday Case

A Faraday cage is a scientific concept invented by Michael Faraday in 1836. The purpose of such a “cage” is to trap radio waves by creating a literal cage around the source of the radio waves, formed by metal, which the waves cannot pass through. Depending on the size of the waves, a Faraday CageContinue reading “DIY Faraday Case”

Masks – why?

I’m jumping into my first post with a copy from my other blog. Let me reveal why I was up until 2:30 am researching horror tropes last night. I’ve been preparing to pop off about the whole mask thing. You guys already know what I said about mask mandates, ableism, and HIPAA. We already knowContinue reading “Masks – why?”